It's another glorious day on Bell Meadows Farm Miniature Donkeys. Meet the third foal born at Bell Meadows this season. Melanie Bell, co-owner of the farm announced the birth of this little fella on a Thursday evening in late August on Facebook. This is Patsy Cline's first foal, though the event didn’t go according to plan.
Patsy is a first time mom and ‘doesn’t know what to do at all,’ said Bell. “We have to tie her up so she doesn’t kick him.” Bell was prepared for a long night. She said the newborn needs colostrum and Bell needs to make sure Patsy doesn’t hurt him. There were posts from concerned family and friends asking ‘what will you do if Patsy refuses to bond?’ Bell commented that it’s never happened before. She’s been breeding, raising, and loving her donkeys since 2008 and this is new territory. Her plan was to sleep on the Tempur-Pedic mattress until she feels comfortable leaving the two alone in the stall. At 1:30 a.m., Bell was still in the stall with Patsy and the beautiful, fluffy baby boy. “I’ve been holding Patsy on a lead rope in the stall for hours making sure she stood still for the baby to nurse and didn’t kick him away.” said Bell. About an hour ago, Bell took Patsy off the lead rope to observe her behavior. “I think Patsy is going to eventually get a little better at being a mom,” sighed Bell. Since Bell’s been awake into the wee hours of the morning, she’s been doing a lot of praying. Praying for Patsy to love her new baby. Praying for those in the path of hurricane Laura (This article ran during the first hurricane that past through Louisiana this season). Praying for a lot of things.” The foal has been running around the stall and having fun. Bell took Patsy off the lead and was sitting in the stall with mother and baby. Patsy hasn’t tried to kick hard and she was standing and letting him nurse. “She still swats at him with her leg but isn’t trying to send him sailing across the stall.” said Bell. Another hour or so and hopefully Bell will be more comfortable leaving them alone. Bell said she has to work in the morning and she’s afraid she’ll ‘feel like the walking dead.’ As she watched the new baby play, she’s thinking, “Just when I don’t think I could get a cuter baby, I’m just blown away at how beautiful this sweet boy is. He is very imprinted. I’ve played with him all night. Baby seems to be doing great despite all the trouble. He’s one tough little guy.” There’s more news...Mudpie/Sheldon will have a new home. If you recall, he was the second baby born on the farm within the last couple of weeks. And there’s more, a fourth baby will be arriving soon. Talk about heaven.
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